We Specialize in Helping YOU
Heal Your Depression

What is Depression?

Depression is often diagnosed and treated as a medical illness; as if it’s something that is broken or wrong with you.

At HopeGuide, we see it a bit differently.

Depression is not an illness, and it’s not something that’s wrong with you. It’s an invitation to listen to your body.

When we learn to listen, we can find our way to feeling better faster.

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological influences. Life events such as trauma, loss of a loved one, difficult relationships, or any stressful situation can trigger or worsen depression.

Depression is often treated as if it’s an isolated issue, independent of any contributing factors. At HopeGuide, we use our Holistic Mental Health model to create a targeted plan for you that considers all of the factors that may be making you feel depressed, and then we help you target them.

So you can feel better faster.

The most common contributors to depression are what we call what we call the “Core Four”…

What Causes Depression?

The Holistic Mental Health Model for Depression

The most common approaches for dealing with depression are prescription antidepressants and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Talk Therapy).

While both can be effective, far too many people do one or both for years and only see small improvements.

At HopeGuide we use the Holistic Mental Health Model as the basis for our work with depression. Since there are many different factors that can contribute to depression, we just think it’s smarter to address as many of those as possible, and prioritize what’s most likely to make a difference in your life!

By starting with a thorough diagnostic process, addressing both our physiology and mythology (psychology), and utilizing the Core Four, our clients can often feel better much faster than they otherwise would.

Using The “Core Four”



The things we put into our body have a direct effect on how we feel emotionally. When our gut health is poor, our mental health suffers. In fact, 90-95% of our serotonin is actually created in our gut.


A 2016 Meta-Analysis of studies including over 250,000 participants clearly demonstrated the significant effect of exercise on mental health, and specifically on depression and anxiety.

Poor sleep has a profound impact on our mental health. In fact, it’s estimated that between 50-80% of psychiatric patients suffer from a sleep disorder. Fortunately, poor sleep is a solvable problem and is one of the areas we focus on at HopeGuide to improve mental health.


In this modern world, we have increased the number of connections we have, but decreased the quality of those connections. As of 2020, 61 percent of Americans report to being lonely (according to Cigna).

How HopeGuide Can Help You With Depression?

When you’re experiencing depression, it can feel never-ending. It can feel like there is no hope.

But depression is NOT a life sentence. You just need the right tools to heal.

At HopeGuide, it’s our mission to help you do just that. Whether that’s through one of the therapies we provide, or any of the tools or resources we recommend, our mission is to give you the guidance and support you need to find your way to feeling better, faster.

We help you find and use the right tools to help you feel better faster.

There are many different tools we can use to help you feel better. Our job is to help you find the ones most suitable to your unique experience AND budget.

That’s why we guide every client through our 4-step process. We want to make sure that That’s why we take the time to get to know you first, including your specific healing priorities and budget; so we can help you find your unique path to healing.

Learn More About HopeGuide